Take a free test drive to see the features and benefits of Golf Genius Software and access a number of leagues and events in read-only mode. You are able to drive around and access all pages of the site, but you cannot save data or modify the leagues/events.

When you click continue below, you will be taken to a customer dashboard where you will see a number of leagues and events. Click on one to access the league or event manager site. Remember that league/event managers use the manager site to create and manage leagues/events. The golfers, on the other hand, will access a league or event "portal"; on the portal, a golfer can view results (including live results), tee sheets, statistics, analytics, photos, and much more. From the manager site, you can access the corresponding league or event portal by clicking on "Go to ....." from the league or event menu:

Also, note in the screenshot above the "Customer Center" on the top right. Click on this and you will return to the customer level dashboard where you will again see the leagues and events that you can access.

It is quite easy to move from the manager site to the golfer site and back. On the manager site, click on "Go to ..." to go to the portal and see the golfer experience. On the portal, you will always see a gear box icon on the top right. Select "Return to Manager Site". So, it is quite easy to go back and forth.

So put the pedal to metal and discover just how much more fun (and fewer headaches) you can have by letting the Genius take your event or league to the next level.